Juan Velasco

About Me

Software proffesional with over 2 years of experiencem, and overall experience of 6 years. Hi There, My name is Juan. My current proffesional pursuits involve fullstack development. I am comfortable working in React/NextJS, Angular and just overall JS, HTMl and CSS. I can work on backends via Java(Spring Boot) or NodeJS, Work on data bases, Postgres, mongo or just plain old MySQL. Honestly anything you can think of, I worked on it at some point. I am familiar with the cloud, host my own services at home and manage them via Docker and ansible. This website is even being served to you via NGINX. I love using linux and configuring my desktop environment from ground up. Seriously, i don't use prebuild desktop environments like GNOME or KDE. I crashed my kernel several times and fixed kernel panics on my machines. I worked on mainframes and assisted student course work on them. I alsom created my own spotify wrapper in C, so i can just use my keyboard bindings to remotely change the music, volume, and listen to podcasts. Every day, i treat it as a learning experience. Nice to meet you:)


3vue LLC

I am currently a front end developer for this company. As a member of 3vue, my main focus has primarly been developing UI/UX solutions for many big pharma clients such as Takeda, Alexion, Gilead, Neurocrine, and Abbvie to name a few. The tech stack revolves around Qlik sense as utlizing the many tools that come with it. Such things involve the QRS/QPS which allows proxy authentication as well as content management from within the Qlik Sense Server. Since arriving at 3vue, I have overseen over 20 projects and implemented standards for efficient development cycles. These innovations include, leveraging design patterns, adding documentation such as doxygen, which conveniently, is similar to DocJS. Using webpack has been efficient by reducing loaded JS via chunking and lazy loading to reduce network requests to reduce traffic to the Qlik Sense Server. I have implemented custom CMS solutions by nworking with our clients and ensuring that their specific needs are met. While I am not at entire liberty to discuss specific. I can say that my work has created a more seemless and collaborative experience for medical teams to analyze their data and help create custom expiriences. Things such as exporting entire web pages to PPT, creating custom PPTX, configuring custom favorite data visuals, and mocking the behavior of popular streaming services as created a greater demand for 3vue products.

Discover Financial Services

I was a memeber of Discover's code_orange program that was a partnership with Northern Illinois University. While in this program I learned a wide variety of skiils such as frontend development, backend development, database design and implementation, cyber security and agile. A capstone project that I did was implement a system where different information was kept about the program, such as the interns, the projects, the product owners etc. I attended daily meetings to see where are were in their projects as an opportunity to lend a hand. Technologies such as ReactJS, MySQL, PCF, Springboot and bootstrap where used.

Northern Illinois University

As a Teaching Assistant, I was responsible for grading assignments, finals and helping with supplemental information rearding the class. I helped debug programs as well as provide feedback as to how code could be improved to meet the proffesional standards set by the instructor. On top of that, I wrote some shell scripts to provide an alternative to ISPF and IBM Idz developer tools. By doing so, I helped provide an alternative by allowing students to use more modern tools such as VScode.

Encap inc.

My time as a restoration technician is something I hold dear as it was the job I had that gave me the opportunities that I would have later down in life. It was the job that helped pay for my tuition as well as develop the soft skills that I needed for proffesionalism. At Encap I learned different plant species that were foreign to the midwest. By understanding such threats, I used pesticides in a safe and controllable manner to help restore prairies and wetlands to their native state to help the local biodiversity. Learning things such as communication and team building is something that proved to be invaluable!



This is personally my favorite project as it's something that I think is pretty unique and practical. It is a wrapper written in C for the spotify API that works concurrently with a program called spoitfyd. spotifyd is a rust program that works as a virtual device that connects to spotify and provides audio from the offical service. With my program, I make REST API calls to play music, podcasts, playlists and albums!

Miscallenous Social Media Site

This is a weird site that I made to test my fullstack fundamentals. It has the ability to make user profiles, posts, and comments. On comments and posts, it has also has the abilty to like on the posts and comments. This site was made using reactjs with redux as the state management tool. Things such as express and mongodb were used for the backend.

Job Finder

A small idea that I had for a craigslist of sorts, both maybes less scammy? I only had the backend built with express and typescript, while having an ORM such as sequelize for the database. With that being said, the database was MySQL.
